Socialization, human connection and physical touch are not a mere luxury but an essential need. From the perspective of neurobiology and social psychology humans are wired to connect and that drive for connection is as fundamental to our health and wellbeing as our basic need for food, water and shelter. Current world events and mandatory lockdowns have created a collateral pandemic – a pandemic of isolation, loneliness, fear of connection with others and a craving for intimacy in romantic and non-romantic dynamics and relationships. Remote Astral Healing is the ultimate solution to modern times and dilemmas. Let me explain how and why…
Remote Astral Healing is exactly as the name insinuates – Astral Healing practices done remotely. Remotely means you are not in the physical presence of another. We are connecting energetically from afar. This can be done virtually, through Zoom in real time, via the dreams, or strictly telepathically without a virtual medium.
When we do healing in this way we are essentially surpassing the physical realm and working in a more subtle realm. That realm can be the etheric, astral, or at the higher levels, purely mental. Because these realms are more abstract in nature and function on a higher frequency, the rules and perceived limitations that apply to us in our physical reality do not apply here. These higher realms are much more malleable and elastic in nature and that is why healing in more subtle worlds can actually be more powerful and potent than working in the physical world.
Remote Astral Healing offers all of the same benefits that Ayurvedic Massage is legendary for including:
Astral energy healing is unique to all other forms of healing in that it utilizes astral energy. Most modalities of energy healing use vague and unreliable bio-energy sources. Astral energy is emotional energy. Emotional energy is only powerful if it is controlled. If it is out of control then it becomes destructive. This type of energy is much more refined and has a special consistency and quality to it. The laws that govern astral energy are not the same as the laws that govern other forms of energy. There are exclusive rules for interacting in the astral realm and for controlling the astral energy. While astral energy can be applied in a variety of ways and for a variety of situations, it especially shines as a powerful medium for healing. Because of its unique structure and qualities, it can work exponentially quicker than other types of energy. It can also penetrate deeper in the aura and healing tends to be more long term, rather than temporary.
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